Amsterdam Reunion May 2006
Dear Oana,
All the things you missed...
Leon, Willem and Simon.
Enter the world of the Coffeeshops.
Perfectly legal, even though they aren't to crazy about it at the hotels, apparently?
Pricelist in coffeeshop.
Perfectly legal over the counter softdrugs like ecstacy, lsd etc.
Along with magic mushrooms.
So obviously when you see the police chasing someone
- it has nothing to do with softdrugs.
And you might not even be drugged when you feel that all the signs are in chinese.
Simon, Leon, Willem and Marco (ed. Soulism Management) .
Marco might be feeling the mushrooms here, as they kick in?
Marco, Simon, Leon and Willem.
Enter the redlight district.
Not that you weren't warned well in advance...
Prostitution obviously comes in many forms. Normally society condones the discrete and the non sex related forms of prostitution, while condemning the worlds oldest profession. Here in the twilight zone - things aren't as they normally are though.
Window shopping takes on an whole new meaning. Somehow not the place to proudly wear your Linux T-shirt: "No Windows, No problems".
505 windows to shop from my hotel guide tells me. Not that I counted them.
Another (window) pussy for sale?
Back in the coffee shops:
And home again through Schiphol airport. Apparently the plans for a bordello in the airport for business travellers (next to the muslim prayer room?) is well under way. Convenient if you have 30 minutes - 1 hour to kill between flights.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds :-)
Thats it!
May 28, 2006 4:15 PM
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