Simon Laub

Site History:
Back in 1992 Erik Futtrup introduced me to the brave new world of homepages.
At the time he had just started his own (homepage) [1, 2], and mine followed shortly thereafter.
According to estimates at the time, both were among the first 10.000 homepages on the internet.

The page layout has pretty much stayed the same over the years,
except for the occasional new article or post.
The address has changed a couple of times though: (1991 -> 1997) (main - closed now) (1997 -> ) (reduced main 1997 - 99) (1999 -> 2008) (main - closed now) (2000 - 2003) (mirror - closed now) (2003 -> ) (mirror) (1999 -> 2012) (MyLifeBits - closed now)

Current home is: (2008 -> ) / (2013 -> ) / (2008 -> ) (main) - hosted by Simply (I.e. UnoEuro & previously by Surftown).

I.e. I had my first home page at Daimi. I moved to Angelfire in 1997 (Still operational).
In 1999 I moved to TDC. at TDC was my main home from 1999 to 2008.
In 2008 I moved to Surftown, and the new domains and .
Surftown was bought by UnoEuro in 2018, and my homepage was therefore moved to UnoEuro's servers.
In 2020, UnoEuro changed their name to Simply. So, I have now found a new home at Simply.

I used Subnet as an additional front to the world for almost three years,
but storage restrictions on the site made it rather difficult to maintain. And finally the site (subnet) closed down.
Pictures and personal stuff were stored at Fortunecity for more than 12 years, but - sadly,
all free accounts were closed by the new Fortunecity owners, Dotster, on April 30th 2012.
The tripod site has been my mirror since 2003.

Please note,that even when sites close down, you might still be able to find traces of them on the Wayback machine.
So try it out, to see what (some of) these sites looked like (1996 -> ).
Finally, you can enter a time machine, and see what this homepage looked like back in 1992 - 93, by clicking here: Web Archaeology.
Looks exactly as way back then!
Even though
- Browsers have changed over the years. And even though, html codes have not remained exactly the same.
Sure, I have occasionally done some repair work on older pages.
Necessary to maintain the same look and feel of the pages. Which - btw - has taught me the benefits of using "simple" html -
It lasts longer, and doesnt need that much repair. Still, most old pages are left untouched.
Even though
- Some pages were originally designed for the Mosaic browser back in 1992!

The homepage ( is optimized and thoroughly tested (June 2009) for:
- Internet Explorer 8 (Compatibility mode on for some pages) -
- Mozilla Firefox 3.0.11 -

And it is verified that the homepage works (without flash) on:
- Ipad2 (Safari), iOS 4.3.3 (most up-to-date version of Safari on the Ipad, June 2011).
See a video from my testing here.

Stats (files and folders):
July 2009: The homepage ( consists of 1673 files in 86 folders

More homepage stats: Graphs.


July 12th 2009.
Revised: June 1st 2012 & July 14th 2022.

Simon Laub