Dreams. Time & Minds.

Summer 2022.
Dreams, and time to dream about it all...

The world is all about Time & Minds (Time & Minds).
What minds can experience, create and compute, in time...
Examples below:

Visited Capra Robotics in April.
See more from Capra Robotics here.

With more about robots
from the grand annual Eaaa Robot Hackathon, here.

Certainly, they, the robots, will be able to do all sorts of things...
even things like playing Pong...

(are you) Dreaming about an untouched, unchanged world?

Well, not everything has changed completely...
There is stil an untouched world out there
(Rebild, Korinth, Tversted).
A little, anyway [1]...

And though not exactly ''untouched''...
Copenhagen also looked pretty much ''unchanged'', when I visited in August...
So, below, also, some summer impressions from Copenhagen.
See: Summer School. Copenhagen. August, 2022.

Also see: Visceral Mind, Summer School.
Bangor, Wales, Uk. September, 2022.
Including a visit to the Alan Turing Memorial.

Not sure, what to make of it all?
Well, who knows, a New York Times columnist might be helpful...perhaps...
See more, here.

Time & Minds.

Review of, and thoughts about, Carlo Rovelli's ''The Order of Time''.
Penguin, 2017.

From: Simon Laub
NewsGroups: rec.arts.sf.written, rec.arts.sf.science,
comp.ai.philosophy, comp.society.futures
Subject: Time and Minds.
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2022. 21:39:10.

In Stephen Baxters book ''Time'' we find ourselves in world:
Where it becomes possible to detect messages traveling back through time.
Thereby making it possible to learn from distant descendants
how to transform the structure of our current space-time,
into structures even better suited for mind and intelligence [2].
Indeed, what is time, but something that can create minds?
And something minds use to make sense of the world?

Certainly, it (time and minds) seems to be an undercurrent in Baxters books,
and also very much present when you read physicist Carlo Rovellis books?

Still, getting your head around time is not easy...
Are time making minds, or are minds making time, or?

Luckily, physicist Carlo Rovelli tries to explain it all in the book ''The Order of Time''...

... Baxter was on to something in ''Time'' (Manifold)...
The concept of time is connected to the concept of minds...

Rovelli writes about an experience he had as a student, when taking LSD:
Among the strange phenomena was the sense of time stopping...
Things were happening in my mind, but the clock was not going ahead;
the flow of time was not passing any more.
It was a total subversion of the structure of reality [3].
Time is apparently something that is happening in our minds?
Still, time is also affected by the world out there...?

In ''The Order of Time'', Rovelli continues (In the section ''Crumbling of Time''):
If I were to ask: Are these two stones at the same height?
In interplanetary space, the correct answer would be, that the question doesn't make any sense...
Because there is no single notion of same height, throughout the Universe.
Similarly, if you ask whether two events are happening at the same moment, the correct answer is that it doesn't make sense, because there is no such thing as same moment throughout the Universe...
I.e. in special relativity, we have that two events occurring far apart,
might even happen in one order when viewed by one observer,
and in the opposite order when viewed by another [4].

(In the section of Rovelli's book called ''The World Without Time'')
Rovelli describes physicist John Wheelers reaction to (one of his own) equations in quantum gravity,
where there was no time variable:
Explain time? Not without explaining existence!
Explain existence? Not without explaining time!
To uncover the deep and hidden connection between
time and existence...
Is a task for the future...
Perhaps now then?
Certainly, according to Rovelli:
There is nothing mysterious about the absence of time in the fundamental equations of quantum gravity...
Such theories describe how things change,
one in respect to the others, how things happen in the world in relation to each other...

The movement of bodies is described in relation to other bodies.
Time holds no priviledged position.
Change is more important [5]
Variables evolve with respect to each other. It is a world of events rather than of objects.
According to Rovelli, time ''appears'', because we can't see the many, many details of the quantum level/world.
The physical interactions between the part of the world to which we belong, and the rest, are blind to these too many variables...
It is not possible for us to register all the quantum fluctuations going on at any one moment, so our interaction with the world becomes partial; we see a blurred version of it.
We take things that emerge at scale and think of them in terms of concepts that are meaningful.
So, in a world without time, we seem to create it...
– and that process is highly personal.
According to Rovelli:
This opens up the possibility that it wasn't the Universe that was in particular configuration in the past...
Perhaps it is us, and our interactions with the Universe that are particular.
We are the ones who determine a particular macroscopic description?
The initial low entropy of the Universe, and hence the arrow of time (springing from this), may be more down to us, than to the Universe?
If a subset of the Universe is special in this sense:
Then for this subset, the entropy of the Universe is low in the past,
the second law of thermodynamics obtains, memories exists, traces are left
- and there can be life and thought...
What makes the world go around is not energy, but low entropy.
Where we belong to a part of the world
where spacetime has a dimension called time, and where entropy grows...
Inside our heads this then becomes a new approximation,
an approximation on an approximation, where time is uniform,
universal and ordered.

So, time for us is a multilayered, complex concept with multiple distinct, propertities deriving from various different approximations.
Not recognizing time as this multilayered, complex phenomenon is what causes a lot of the confusion about time, according to Rovelli.
According to Andrew Jaffe, in Nature:
Rovelli reconstructs how our illusions have arisen, from aspects of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. He argues that our perception of time's flow depends entirely on our inability to see the world in all its detail [6].
Time itself disappears at the most fundamental level...

The world we see is a world through a filter...
We observe a Universe that is becoming increasingly disordered.
Which leads us to our experience of time (From entropy and the second law of thermodynamics).
What we see is filtered by our position in our corner of the Universe,
and it is filtered by our perceptions, and minds.

It follows, that in other parts of the Universe our understanding of time might not exist...

Indeed, again we are back to the relationship between Time and Minds.

Time (our kind of time) creates minds, or is it minds that create time?
In order to create more minds...?
As in Baxters Time...

''Time'' and ''The Order of Time''
are thought-provoking books...

               More about reality in ... Review of Carlo Rovellis Helgoland


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

               Teaching Ai, 2019.

              Chatbot Presentation Eaaa. Gpt-3, 2021.


Comments on physicist Sabine Hossenfelders
Time Magazine article ''Maybe the Universe thinks, hear me out''.

From: Simon Laub
NewsGroups: rec.arts.sf.written, rec.arts.sf.science,
comp.ai.philosophy, comp.society.futures
Subject: The Universe is a Quantum Gravity computer, maybe!?
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 10:56.

Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder writes in Time Magazine [7]
that ''Maybe the Universe thinks, hear me out''...
To be more precise, the distribution of matter in the Universe looks a little like the ''connectome'' (The network of nerve connections in the human brain). Neurons in the human brain, too, form clusters, and they connect by axons, that are long nerve fibers which send electrical impulses from one neuron to another.
Here, she is in line with researchers Vazza and Feletti,
who has pointed out that there is ''a remarkable similarity'' [8].

Now the Universe is different from a brain because the Universe expands.
Another ''difference is that it takes a long time for signals to cross the Universe''.
Whereas, ''neurons in the human brain send about 5-50 signals per second''.
This means if the Universe is thinking, it isn’t thinking very much...[7].
Because, as far we know, there is such a thing as ''locality'' in the Universe.
Objects, always continuously move from one place to nearby places.

As far as we know...
And we don't really know that much about ''locality''...
It could be that space itself has many more connections than we observe, non-local ones, not unlike portals: You go in one end and are instantaneously teleported to a different place [7].
These non-local connections would have to be very small tough, too small for us, or even elementary particles to go through – otherwise we’d have noticed already.
But they would still connect space with itself.
This way, two places we think are at opposite ends of the universe might be very close to each other [7].
E.g. some physicists have speculated that e.g. ''dark matter'',
is really just normal matter, it is just because gravitational attraction
is multiplied and spread out (because places are non-locally connected to each other),
that it doesn't look like normal matter.

Sabine Hossenfelder ends the article
by telling us that there are zero evidence for non-local connections, but to her:
The idea that the universe is intelligent is compatible with all we know so far [7].
There is no evidence against it...

Which brings her to the point of her story.
Science has more to say than ''nope, you can't''.
It also opens our minds to new possibilities, new sources of wonder, and new ways to make sense of our own existence.
The Universe might think...
Currently, it is not supported by evidence and it might never be.
But it not contradicted by evidence either.
Indeed, the idea that the Universe might be doing some kind of ''thinking'' is not new.
Just think of Fred Hoyle's ''Black Cloud'' [9].
Here, scientists try to communicate with the cloud, and succeed.
The cloud is revealed to be an alien gaseous superorganism, many times more intelligent than humans.

''Thinking'' can take many forms...

In Science, it is now possible to work with ''qubits'':
Physically realized as e.g. spin of the electron, where quantum mechanics allows the Qubit to be in a superposition of two states simultaneously [10].
Which eventually leads to new ways to do computations, in Quantum Computing.

According to physicist Seth Lloyd:
Tthe universe is indistinguishable from a quantum computer. The Universe supports quantum computation and can be efficiently simulated by a quantum computer.
Back then (when this came up, in comments to Lloyds book, and earlier), I suggested that we should take it a step deeper (further), and consider how to calculate with SpaceTime itself.
Afterall, particles are just a kind of a field, and if they/that can calculate, then why not SpaceTime?

And sure enough, such ideas followed shortly afterwards.
In the form of ideas about Quantum Gravity Computers and similar contraptions
(But still not formulated in a way where it is particular clear
what would constitute inputs and outputs, as normally understood in a computation).
Still, working at scales where there is no (making sense of) causality?
A quantum gravity computer might end up seeing its result before running its algorithms.
It is essential the same as a quantum computer strapped to a timemachine [11].
It's hard to come up with any plausible way to make quantum computers more powerful that wouldn't make them absurdly more powerful [12].
In the words of Lucien Hardy, there is a problem here:
A lack of conceptual clarity about what would constitute inputs and outputs that prohibits the development of a theory of quantum gravity computation [13].
But there is also potential:
Allowing us to define a new class of computers which may have greater computational powers because they may be able to harness the indefinite causal structure as a computational resource [14].
There might be some thinking going on here...
whatever that really means...

               Chatbot Presentation Eaaa. Gpt-3, 2021.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

A visit to Capra Robotics.

Visited Capra Robotics in April.
And wrote a small article about the trip on Eaaa's intranet.

Appetizer on the Eaaa intranet:
Headline for Eaaa article about visit to Capra Robotics. For more about robots, go to my robot page.

       Visit to Capra Robotics. On the right CEO Niels. Along with me, and PBA students Kristoffer, Steffen, Christian and Ulrich.

The article (published on Eaaa's intranet, April 2022):

       Visit to Capra Robotics. On the right CEO Niels. Along with me, and PBA students Kristoffer, Steffen, Christian and Ulrich.

       Visit to Capra Robotics. On the right CEO Niels. Along with me, and PBA students Kristoffer, Steffen, Christian and Ulrich.

       Visit to Capra Robotics. On the right CEO Niels. Along with me, and PBA students Kristoffer, Steffen, Christian and Ulrich.

And here is how the article appeared on Eaaa's intranet:

Visit to Capra Robotics. On the right CEO Niels. Along with me, and PBA students Kristoffer, Steffen, Christian and Ulrich.

With more (about) robots here: Quadroped Robots.

               Simon Laub - Teaching AI, Economics-IT, March 2019


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Robot Hackathon 2022.

In august, it was time for this years grand Eaaa Robot Hackathon 2022.

       Robot Hackathon 2022.
       See report on TV Oest (Friday August 19th, TV2 News).
I stedet for at bruge den sidste uge før studiestart på afslapning, har 20 It-studerende fra Erhvervsakademi Aarhus valgt at bruge ugen på at bygge robotter. Det er en del af en ny strategi, der skal opmuntre de studerende til at være mere selvstændige [15].
                       Robot Hackathon 2022.

                    Robot Hackathon 2022.

              Robot Hackathon 2022.

        Robot Hackathon 2022.

              Eaaa, Twitter. Robot Hackathon 2022.

   Click for Prosa omtale af Robot Hackathon 2022.

                       Eaaa Robot Hackathon. Version 1.0. August 2021.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Playing Pong.

Pong is a game environment provided on the OpenAI ''Gym'' platform.
In the game, a player controls an in-game paddle
by moving it vertically across the left or right side of the screen [16].
Interestingly, Reinforcement Learning with Policy Gradients can learn how to play Pong...

                      Pong on Github. 2022.

A dream come true...?


For details:
See the code that learns how to play Pong on Github.

                 Pong code on Github. March 2022.

                           Github overview. March 2022.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

AI articles on DataTech, 2020-2021.

DataTech articles, 2020-2021.

     DataTech articles - 2021

            DataTech articles - 2021

                            Postings - This website
                         Articles - This website


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Out and About (in the world).

''Out and About in Denmark''.
Going to different places...
A glimpse of an older, and perhaps better world...
Rebild (Denmark) impressions:

Out and about. Rebild, Denmark.

         Out and about. Rebild, Denmark.

                          Out and about. Rebild, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Rebild, Denmark.
                  Yggdrasil (''The Tree of Life'') [17], [18].


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Out and About (in the world) II.

''Out and About in Denmark''.
Going to different places...
A glimpse of an older, and perhaps better world...
Korinth (Denmark) impressions:

Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

         Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

         Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

         Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

Out and about. Korinth, Denmark.

                  More out and about, Denmark (2020).

                     Out and about. Denmark, 2021.

                         Summer 2022. Out and about. Denmark, 2021.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Out and About (in the world) III.

''Out and About in Denmark''.
Going to different places...

Summer 2022.
Tversted (Denmark) impressions:

Out and about. Tversted, Denmark.

         Out and about. Tversted, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Tversted, Denmark.

         Out and about. Tversted, Denmark.

                  More out and about, Denmark (2020).


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Summer School, Copenhagen 2022.

Summer School.
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind.
Copenhagen University 2022.

8 - 12 August, 2022.
Attended the Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind 2022,
Summer School in Copenhagen.

So, below, a few impressions
from the Summer School and from Copenhagen:

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

                  Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

         Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Out and about. Copenhagen, Denmark.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

''Economics, Politics and Zombies''.

Sebastian Mallaby writes, in the Atlantic, that (New York Times) columnists like Paul Krugman should try to unite citizens around common understandings.
It is too easy to demonize adversaries, and not particular helpful in a democracy...

According to Sebastian Mallaby:
Most people cannot be pigeonholed as purely good or purely evil. Their motives are mixed, confused, and mutable.
Mallaby continues:
Krugman should/will surely be the first to admit that his journalism, in the book ''Arguing With Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future'' (like his research), is founded on radical simplification.
Like those economic models that assume people are perfectly rational, he presumes that his adversaries are perfectly corruptible.

This is elegantly clarifying. But, to borrow one of Krugman's own phrases, it may mistake beauty for truth.
Well, well, perhaps...
but some of the stinging points from the book are indeed quite ''funny'':
    Covid >>progress<< against a mounting death count.
See more on Twitter: @TBPInvictus, and on ''Goodreads''.

And btw.
If you think science fiction might provide a new way forward for ''politics'' (and ''the world'')
you will be surprised to learn that Paul Krugman might agree with you ...
See here (d).

                    For more about Paul Krugmans interest in Psychohistory (d). Use Google Translate for english version.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).

Visceral Mind, September 2022.

Visceral Mind Summer School (Visceral Mind).
The neuroanatomy of cognition and emotion,
Bangor University, Wales, UK.
5th-9th September 2022.

Attended the Visceral Mind Summer School in Bangor, Wales.

So, below, a few impressions
from the Summer School and from Bangor & Manchester.

      Prepared for the Summer School
      by buying some UK pounds.
      UK Pounds. Trip preparation.

          Around the world with an old suitcase. Trip preparation.
          Apparently, many of us travel with very, very similar bags...

           Around the world with an old suitcase.
           Landing in Manchester, UK.

      Around the world with an old suitcase.
       My bag...[19].

          Manchester, UK.
          Manchester, UK.

          Manchester, UK.

                        Manchester, UK.

Alan Turing Memorial.

                Alan Turing Memorial. Manchester, UK. Simon Laub, Sept. 2022.

                      Alan Turing Memorial. Manchester, UK. Simon Laub, Sept. 2022.
                      The Alan Turing Memorial, situated in Sackville Park in Manchester, England [20].
                      Notice: Turing is shown holding an apple [21], [22].

          Alan Turing Memorial. Manchester, UK.
Turing Memorial, Manchester.
Alan Turing - widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. Turing died on 7 June 1954, 16 days before his 42nd birthday, near Manchester, from cyanide posening An inquest determined his death as a suicide. As the story goes, on 7 June, 1954, he committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide.
                                Manchester, UK.

                Manchester, UK.

                         Click for Manchester, Bangor pics. Visceral Mind summer school.

                         For more pictures from
                         the Visceral Mind trip click here.

Summer School group photo.

Bangor Summer School Group Picture, September 2022.
Indeed, the end of a wunderbar summerschool.

               Chatbot Presentation Eaaa. Gpt-3, 2021.


Simon Laub (Let me Google that for you).


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Original page design - September 21st 2022. Simon Laub - Aarhus, Denmark, Europe.