Tomas Mikolov et al. (at Google) created word2vec, a word embedding toolkit, which can train vector space models faster than previous approaches.He writes on his Facebook homepage that:
My long term research goal is to develop intelligent machines capable of learning and communication with people using natural language.The session started with an ''introductory'' presentation of NLP.
Text processing is the core business of internet companies today (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Baidu, Yahoo etc.)Digging a little deeper, we moved on to word vectors, and vector space models.
Vector space models (VSMs) represent (embed) words in a continuous vector space where semantically similar words are mapped to nearby points (''are embedded nearby each other'').
All (VSM) methods depend in some way or another on the Distributional Hypothesis, which states that words that are used and occur in the same contexts tend to purport similar meanings...
The classifier FastText is often on par with deep learning classifiers in terms of accuracy, and many orders of magnitude faster for training and evaluation [1].E.g. in the Facebook universe it is relevant that we can figure out which texts has to do with sports etc.
Facebook deals with an enormous amount of text data on a daily basis in the form of status updates, comments etc. And it is all the more important for Facebook to utilize this text data to serve its users better. And using this text data generated by billions of users to compute word representations was a very time expensive task until Facebook developed their own open source library, FastText, for Word Representations and Text Classification.Youtube video: How to Classify Text with FastText.
We believe that the quest to develop AI will ultimately also lead to a better understanding of our own minds and thought processes.And ''Identifying (read out, decode) natural images from human brain activity'' is indeed possible.
Distilling intelligence into an algorithmic construct and comparing it to the human brain might yield insights into some of the deepest and the most enduring mysteries of the mind.
See: Cell: Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence.
Models make it possible to identify, from a large set of completely novel natural images, which specific image was seen by an observer [1].Also, pretty cool, mapping semantic space in the brain: See the (awesome) ''Brain-viewer'', for ''Associating brain regions with categories; modulation of attention''.
Since its beginning more than 20 years ago, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become a popular tool for understanding the human brain, with some 40,000 published papers (2016) according to PubMed [1].But, sadly, there is lack of consistent vocabulary in psychology, which makes it quite hard to extract useful knowledge from all of the studies...
Open-source Python software for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data: MEG, EEG, sEEG, ECoG, and more.It should be somewhat easier to understand our own minds...
Building on the notion of a particle physics detector as a camera and the collimated streams of high energy particles, or jets, it measures as an image, we investigate the potential of machine learning techniques based on deep learning architectures to identify highly boosted W bosons [1].New physics is expected to show up as anomalies (And there must be a lot of new physics out there... as the Universe is thought to consist of approximately 5 % atoms, 23 % dark matter & 72 % dark energy. Where no one, in 2019, knows what dark matter and dark energy really is...).
Where: Given a training set, this technique learns to generate new data with the same statistics as the training set. For example, a GAN trained on photographs can generate new photographs that look at least superficially authentic to human observers, having many realistic characteristics.Here this technique can be used to:
Create the simulation of particle-detector response to hadronic jets [2].If we want to make sure that the networks only detects physics, where the laws of special relativity still stands... it is possible to add a ''LoLa''-layer to the networks: ''Deep-learned Top Tagging with a Lorentz Layer''.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.On ''A Half-day Tutorial on Adversarial Machine Learning'', Biggio & Roli writes about a tutorial on ''Adversarial Machine Learning'':
Sun Tzu, The art of war, 500 BC.
Learning algorithms have to face intelligent and adaptive attackers, who can carefully manipulate data to purposely subvert the learning process.See also: ''Ten Years After the Rise of Adversarial Machine Learning''.
As these algorithms have not been originally designed under such premises, they have been shown to be vulnerable to well-crafted, sophisticated attacks, including test-time evasion and training-time poisoning attacks (also known as adversarial examples).
Countering these threats is the subject of ''adversarial machine learning''.
Attackers goal: Misclassifications. |
Attackers goal: Misclassifications. |
Attackers goal: Query strategies to reveal info about learning model or users |
Attackers capability | Integrity Compromise system, without compromising normal system operation |
Availability Compromise normal functionalities available to legitimate users |
Privacy/Confidentiality |
Test Data | Evasion (a.k.a. adversarial examples. Manipulating input data to evade a trained classifier at test time) |
- | Model Extraction /
Stealing. Aimed to steal machine-learning models |
Training Data | Poisoning (to allow subsequent intrusions. I.e. create specific backdoor vulnerabilities, neural network trojans) |
Poisoning (to maximize classification error) |
- |
A convolutional neural network does not learn any meaningful characteristic for malware detection from the data and text sections of executable files, but rather tends to learn to discriminate between benign and malware samples based on the characteristics found in the file header [3].Given this knowledge one doesn't need to change much in order to fool the malware detection app:
By only changing a few specific bytes at the end of each malware sample, while preserving its intrusive functionality.... these binaries can then evade the targeted network with high probability... [4].In ''Intriguing properties of neural networks'' [5] Christian Szegedy, Ian Goodfellow et al. writes that:
While neural nets expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninterpretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties...E.g.:
We can cause the network to misclassify an image by applying a certain hardly perceptible perturbation, which is found to maximize the network's prediction error.Clearly not good.
Unlike the traditional phrase-based translation systems, which consists of many small sub-components that are tuned separately, neural machine translation attempts to build and train a single, large neural network that reads a sentence and outputs a correct translation [2], [3].Vaswani, Shazeer et al. (Google Brain) came up with an ''attention model'' in 2017, ''Attentition is all you need'' [4], [5]. Here, attention mechanisms allow dependency modelling to draw global dependencies between input and output, which has improved translation quality (''after being trained for as little as twelve hours on eight P100 GPUs'') [6].
Starting from sensory receptors, Fuster suggested that information flows upward in the sensory hierarchy, where the motor hierarchy can be viewed as going in the opposite direction.
Information is exchanged between the two hierarchies in an ongoing perception-action cycle. From a low level, to high levels of planning, thinking and anticipating the future.
Bernard J. Baars: ''Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness''.
If someone is told something they already know, the information they get is very small.When the data source produces a low-probability value (i.e., when a low-probability event occurs), there is more ''information'' (''surprise") than in a high-probability value. Where Entropy is a measure of the unpredictability of the state, of its average information content, or reciprocal of the probability of the event [3].
It will be pointless for them to be told something they already know. This information would have very low entropy.
If they were told about something they knew little about, they would get much new information. This information would be very valuable to them. They would learn something. This information would have high entropy [2].
Since it's hard to make machines think about the world, the new goal is to describe the world in ways that are easy for machines to think about.But, but...
Many important aspects of the world can't be specified in an unambiguous and universally agreed-on fashion.So, it does not ontology expressed in one language covering the whole web, was the dream.
Because meta-data describes a worldview, incompatibility is an inevitable by-product of vigorous argument.
It would be relatively easy, for example, to encode a description of genes in XML, but it would be impossible to get a universal standard for such a description, because biologists are still arguing about how genes exactly function... [1].
Mary puts on a coat everytime she leaves the house.Who is ''she''? Is She = Mary ?
She puts on a coat everytime Mary leaves the house.She = Mary is now very unlikely.
An Apple engineer is eating an apple.Isn't exactly easy...
Add a generative network between the last convolutional layer and the first fully connected layer.
The generative network augments positive samples by generating weight masks randomly applied to the features, where each mask represents a specific type of appearance variation.
Through adversarial learning, the network then identifies the mask that maintains the most robust features of target appearance in the temporal domain.
Visual object tracking is still difficult due to factors such as partial occlusion, deformation, motion blur, fast motion, illumination variation, background clutter and scale variations.And Martin Denelljan's Github page for visual tracking.
Most existing approaches provide inferior performance when encountered with large scale variations in complex image sequences...
In this paper, we tackle the challenging problem of scale estimation for visual tracking...